Serving those who served the nation

Celebrating & Honoring

Respecting Your Service To Country and Family

Why are there 45,000 military and veteran non-profits in the United States and 40,000 veterans still homeless, living in the streets of all our major cities?

Total donations to charitable organizations each year exceeds $400 billion (2.1% of GDP) and increases by approximately $9 billion each year. Yet, we meet them everywhere, bivouacking by the town hall, busking by the subway station, often unrecognized for their valor and selflessness, unable to ask for help or not knowing where to turn… How is this possible? Where does all the money go?

Soldier’s Second Hand has been founded by descendants of veterans and lovers of the United States, who intend to change this. All donations will be transparently displayed here, accessible to all and, which is more, traceable to where and how they are spent. Not a cent will be wasted. The Board serves without pay, and our sole purpose is to give back to our Country and our Veterans. With our Heart, Will, experience, perseverance and dedication, we will make impossible possible.

Have you been undergoing PTSD treatment for the past year without any success? Do you feel rejected by your family? Do you feel the world does not care anymore? Are you tempted to reach to the underworld for help? Have you been in the street, living hand-to-mouth, no prospect of future, nowhere to turn? Is there no-one you trust and nothing you believe in anymore? Call us, from anywhere, at anytime. We will listen. We will help. We will be there for you.

Soldier’s Second Hand News

Paul Venetian’s Journey

A retired flight attendant Paul Venetian will soon be approaching the Pentagon, pushing a beverage cart from Dulles International Airport. This feat is to commemorate

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For God, Country, and Family

By Patriots for Patriots